DYWIDAG's micropile range provides versatile, high-capacity solutions for foundation support, especially in areas with restricted or remote access and/or challenging conditions. Whether strengthening existing foundations or constructing new ones, our micropiles are engineered for long-term reliability and performance. Commonly used in applications such as underpinning, transmission tower foundations, and anti-uplift and buoyancy structures, DYWIDAG micropiles ensure safety and stability. Our range includes DYWI Drill Hollow Bar micropiles, where minimal ground disturbance is crucial, and our famous GEWI Threadbar micropiles, offering flexibility to suit various project requirements.
Discover our range of Micropiles
High-capacity micropiles, engineered for reliable foundation support in challenging conditions and designed for minimal ground disturbance and flexible application.
DYWI® Drill Hollow Bar
Self-drilling system for loose or collapsing soils - no casing required.
DYWIDAG Threadbar Micropile System
The ideal foundation element: economical, space-saving, and strong.
DYWIDAG Multi-bar System
The ideal foundation element for higher loads.
DYWIDAG Auger Cast Pile
Cost-efficient, cast in-situ solution for higher lateral loads.