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Los innovadores productos de DYWIDAG están diseñados para mejorar la integridad estructural, aumentar la eficacia de la construcción y garantizar la durabilidad a largo plazo.

Bonded Multistrand Tendons and Threadbars used in the construction of a Bridge

The "Most pres Uhlavu"-bridge (translated in English by "bridge crossing the Úhlava river") is an important part of a new 22 km long expressway bypass around the city of Pilsen which in turn is part of a 151 km long connection from Prague via Pilsen to the German border near Waidhaus, now being completed as a continuous expressway.


The bridge has an overall length of 445 m, a width of 27.5 m and is founded on a total of 9 piers. The overall costs for these construction works amount to about EUR 19 million. A precast segmental concrete bridge design was chosen in order to complete the construction project in the shortest amount of time possible. About 400 precast concrete segments were produced in a precast concrete products plant near Prague.


The entire transverse post-tensioning including 1,600 SDR anchorages was also installed and post-tensioned in the precast concrete products plant. Subsequently, the precast elements were delivered to the construction site just in time. The individual segments were temporarily post-tensioned with DYWIDAG Threadbars during lifting in place by means of movable scaffolding.

For the internal post-tensioning DYWIDAG supplied a total of 310 t DYWIDAG Bonded Multistrand Tendons 0.62" gr 1570/1770 MPa and 1,032 MA anchorages. In addition, DYWIDAG supplied 72 t external PE sheathed DYWIDAG Strand Tendons type 19x0.62" gr 1570/1770 MPa and 64 anchorages.

The precast concrete segments were temporarily post-tensioned during installation with about 5 t DYWIDAG Threadbars Ø 32 mm that were also supplied by DYWIDAG. Completion and opening of the Pilsen bypass is scheduled for October 2006.



Reditelstvi silnic a dálnic CR, Prague, Czech Republic

PONTEX s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic

Ing. Jirí Rytzko, Pilsen, Czech Republic

JV consisting of SMP Construction a.s., Prague, Czech RepublicMetrostav a.s., Prague, Czech RepublicMax Bögl & Josef Krýsl, Pilsen, Czech Republic

