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Nuestros productos

Los innovadores productos de DYWIDAG están diseñados para mejorar la integridad estructural, aumentar la eficacia de la construcción y garantizar la durabilidad a largo plazo.

Record Pace Installation of Stay Cables for Bridge

Madeira has recently experienced a touristic increase causing a strong construction boom. A new bridge over the Machico river was built to improve the linkage between the old town and the harbor.

DYWIDAG supplied a total of eight DYNA Grip® Stay Cables and Stay Cable Anchorages for the visually very appealing stay cable bridge. Two specialists of DYWIDAG's licensee SM7 from the Czech Republic and Tecnasol from Portugal each assisted DYWIDAG with the installation work.

The close cooperation of all parties involved enabled the successful installation of the eight DYNA Grip® Stay Cables in the new bridge in a record time of only 11 days.


Governo Regional da Madeira, Portugal

Somague Engenharia S.A., Sintra, Portugal

JSJ Consultoria Projectos de Engenharia Lda., Lisbon, Portugal Ing. Boller, Italy

