DYWIDAG Cable Bolt

Flexible reinforcement system with post-tensioning option.

The DYWIDAG Cable Bolt is a pre-tensioned, bulbed cable tendon designed to be installed as a long rock bolt. Used in underground hard rock mines, DYWIDAG Cable Bolts help ensure a safe working environment by increasing rock mass stability.

Manufactured from 19 wire strands having a nominal diameter of 21.8mm cross-section, the cable bolts are capable of being post-tensioned at the face to withstand with a post-tensioning force of up to 25 tons. The system uses mixed resin to fill the borehole. The top end of the bolt provides a very efficient anchorage by using a unique combination of a spiral resin mixer and a choice of up to 3 bulbs.

  • High-strength system for permanent or temporary reinforcement, with tensioning possible

  • Available in lengths up to 10 meters, and can be cut to any length for easy on-site length adjustment

  • Unique combination of a spiral resin mixer to ensure thorough combination of resin and hardener

  • Anchorage strength of the resin-grouted top end of the bolt exceeds bolt tensile strength in typical rock conditions

  • Easy to handle and adapt to confined working spaces

  • Can be used in combination with other support systems such as shotcrete, mechanical bolts, or grouted rebar for complete flexibility

Main standards for steel nuances

Asia: 19 wire strands having a nominal diameter of 21.8mm cross section.​


  • Customization of up to 3 bulbs

  • Roof plate

  • Collar/wedges

  • Tensioner unit

