Construction of a Retaining Wall with DYWIDAG Soil Nails to Avoid Landslides
A major landslide near new homes in Bossey, France, destroyed the access road to the neighborhood and residents had to be evacuated. ACRO BTP was asked to intervene urgently in order to reinforce the various damaged areas and to recreate the access roads.

The landslide is due to the seven different layers of soil (clay and very compact gravelly moraine) which caused clogging in the cuttings.
The company was quick to react thanks to its ACROSOLS® system, which allows land to be stabilized without prior earthworks. The light metal structure, quick to install and with good drainage, acts as a retaining wall. This device allowed the evacuated inhabitants to return to their homes just 6 months later.
DYWIDAG supplied 4.7 km of DYWI Drill Soil Nails for soil stabilization and 4.5 km which were used in the retaining wall.
Usually, during emergency work such as this, sensitivity to the creation of green space takes a back seat. It is therefore a real technical feat what we achieved on this project: in record time we synchronized speed of execution to stabilize the slope with live-time consideration on how best to adapt the landscape integration associated with the special work.
For this project, we used a large number of control elements such as auscultation targets as well as inclinometers to monitor possible displacements.