Stabilizing Slope Optimizes Construction of Wholesale Store
DYWIDAG was brought in to supply products and technical support for the slope stabilization and tieback wall for a wholesale store being constructed in Brazil.

The site for a new wholesale store in the state of Bahia, Brazil was on very unfavorable terrain. With the contractor and designer, DYWIDAG came up with solution to build a tieback wall to optimize the store space.
To stabilize the slope of the site, we decided to use DYWIDAG grade 150 epoxy-coated threadbars, with various diameters (32mm, 36mm, 40mm, and 47mm). This solution could improve the installation jobs due to the light weight of the systems and could anticipate the project schedule. The lighter threadbar yielded the same results for support high loads, as compared to heavier bars from the competitors. The solution can support loads up to 86 tons (860kN) for permanent anchors, according to Brazilian code NBR 5629.
The DYWIDAG team provided technical support to the contractor and designer throughout the project. This is the highest slope stabilization in the area to date.