Logotipo DYWIDAG
Nossos produtos

Os produtos inovadores da DYWIDAG são projetados para aprimorar a integridade estrutural, melhorar a eficiência da construção e garantir a durabilidade a longo prazo.

Os nossos serviços

A DYWIDAG oferece serviços abrangentes para melhorar o desempenho e a longevidade dos projetos de infraestrutura em todo o mundo.

Automated Track Monitoring​

Our systems are Network Rail approved and have been in service for many years.

From long-term projects and planning to providing rapid crisis response, our team has proved its ability to deliver in challenging circumstances whatever the requirement. The innovations we have introduced into the Rail Sector have made a significant contribution to the safety and performance of the UK Rail network.

Successful projects have included the £14.8 billion Crossrail Project, multiple projects across HS2 Phase 2 and countless examples of our emergency response crisis management capability.

Creations such as the Network Rail Approved DYWIDAG Smart Temp, an automated, critical rail track temperature monitoring device are in action across the UK rail network.

The innovative DYWIDAG Track Void Monitor monitors track voiding and is now widely used across the UK rail industry.

Our products and services are complemented by our in-house Project Management team who deliver our NR Framework Contracts to the highest standards.

Our Automated track monitoring solutions connect to and are remotely programmable via our cloud-based platform Infrastructure Intelligence.

  • Proven track record

  • Network Rail compliant

  • Designed to work with other automated monitoring products

  • Bespoke support team

United Kingdom: Network Rail Product Approval Number: PA0S/05507

