Logotipo DYWIDAG

Os produtos inovadores da DYWIDAG são projetados para aprimorar a integridade estrutural, melhorar a eficiência da construção e garantir a durabilidade a longo prazo.

Retrofitting of Cables with Damper systems, Exchange of Cable dampers, Cable Ties

Don’t wait before it’s too late.

Stay cables are prone to cable vibrations. Till today it’s not possible to demonstrate by computation that excessive cable vibrations can be excluded. However, there are several cables without damping systems which don’t vibrate. Some owners decide to dispense with dampers at new bridges and install dampers only at later stages in case that cable vibration occur.

DYWIDAG can provide a full service, starting with a damping assessments by cable vibration testing, design the right damper for each cable, design proper connection details of the damper to the cable and to the structure and deliver and install new dampers or cross ties on existing bridges with subsequent confirmation of the efficiency by on site vibration tests.

  • Inspection, maintenance, repair and exchange of all type of dampers possible

  • Design, delivery, installation and in-situ testing of damping systems - all in one hand

  • All different types of dampers available (internal / external as well as viscous / rubber / friction / semi-active damper)


  • Permanent monitoring of damper performance and cable vibrations

  • Installation of emergency temporary damping system until final damping system is in place

Edifícios comerciais e residenciais
