Logotipo DYWIDAG

Os produtos inovadores da DYWIDAG são projetados para aprimorar a integridade estrutural, melhorar a eficiência da construção e garantir a durabilidade a longo prazo.

Stay Sheathings and Aerodynamic Behavior

Shielding against environmental influences.

HDPE Stay Pipes serve as protection against environmental influences and are typically used as outer cover of DYWIDAG Stay Cables. They shield the strand bundle in its free length and can be provided in a wide colour range. Pipe material mixtures thereby guarantee not only mechanical resistance but also protection against UV-radiation. An outer helical fillet prevents the cable from excessive movements due to rain-wind induced vibrations.

For long span bridges, lateral wind loading at the cables often needs to be taken into account for pylon design specifically. To reduce the wind load, DYWIDAG offers slim sheathing with reduced pipe diameters.

  • Wind load reduction at the cable

  • Outer helix with demonstrated efficiency against rain-wind induced cable vibrations

  • Co-extruded or fully colored pipes

  • Wide range of colors

  • Excellent UV-resistance: resistance proven in accelerated aging tests.


  • De-Icing solutions available by using special outer cable profile – see De-Icing solutions for Stay Cablessolutions-for-stay-cables-active-and-passive

  • Sheathing can be equipped with internal lighting technology for cable illumination – see Integrated Cable Illumination

  • Slim Sheathing with reduced pipe diameter and special installation technology available

  • Stainless Steel sheathing available on special request

  • Full compliance of sheathing material and its performance criteria with fib Bulletin 89 and PTI DC45.1-12 recommendations

  • Wind Tunnel Testing verification available

Edifícios comerciais e residenciais
