Nos produits

Les produits innovants de DYWIDAG sont conçus pour renforcer l'intégrité structurelle, améliorer l'efficacité de la construction et garantir une durabilité à long terme.

Use of Different Anchors Systems to Stabilize a Construction Site

As in most of French city, space to build new housing for the people is rare. To provide some relief from this situation, the city of Marseille has provided an area of 6,000m² for the construction of new residential buildings.


In the area, which is located in the city center, 150 apartments and 1,000 new garages are being built that will be allocated to residents. Minimizing construction costs and optimizing space are important objectives of this project because as many parking spaces as possible are to be fit onto an area as small as possible. In addition, the project must blend in with the cityscape. In order to create space for the new housing estate, a block of houses with old apartments was demolished. Subsequently, comprehensive excavation works with a volume of 100,000m³ were carried out. Afterwards, the participating companies stabilized the excavation with a 20m high retaining wall.


DYWIDAG stabilized this retaining wall by installing temporary DYWIDAG Strand Anchors and DYWIDAG Bar Anchors with a total length of 7,000m. In accordance with geological pre requisites and differing heights of terrain, DYWIDAG planned the flexible utilization of different anchor systems for yield loads between 100 and 900kN.

In order to comply with the special demands of this project, DYWIDAG used special anchor types for each calculated load. 20mm diameter DYWIDAG Gewi Bar Anchors were suitable for installation points with a load at yield of 100kN, whereas 26 and 32mm diameter DYWIDAG bar anchors were primarily used for loads of 350 and 550kN.

DYWIDAG Strand Anchors types 4 and 5 and type T15 were used for high service loads. These special DYWIDAG Strand Anchors were carried on site by gantry cranes and safely installed using an uncoiler.

The versatility and quality of DYWIDAG products and systems fully complied with the client’s demands.



SOGIMA, Marseille, France

BECT, Marseille, France

BECT, Marseille, France

SEFI INTRAFOR (13), France

SECTP, Aix-en-Provence, France

