Nos produits

Les produits innovants de DYWIDAG sont conçus pour renforcer l'intégrité structurelle, améliorer l'efficacité de la construction et garantir une durabilité à long terme.

Post-Tensioning Silos with Strand Tendons

Recently, a cement plant was extensively expanded in the northeast of the Sinai Peninsula near the coastal town of Al Arish.



The first project phase - from 2009 to 2010 - consisted of 2 raw meal silos, 2 clinker silos and 4 cement silos with a production capacity of 11,000t of cement per day. The Egyptian DSI licensee MISR DYWIDAG participated in the construction of 6 of those silos. During the second expansion phase in 2015, 2 raw meal silos, 2 clinker silos and 4 cement silos were built that will increase production capacity by 11,500t of cement per day.

DYWIDAG carried out the post-tensioning work on all silos. One raw meal silo, one clinker silo and the 4 cement silos were built together with the contractor Gama for Trading & Contracting S.A.E. The other raw meal silo and the second clinker silo were built in co-operation with the contractor SIAC.



The silos were built using the slipform method. Work was carried out in 2 shifts, with approximately 1m concreted per shift, which roughly equals construction progress of 2m per day.

For post-tensioning the silos, DYWIDAG supplied and installed Type 7-0.60" DYWIDAG Strand Tendons with a total weight of 435t and 2,840 Type SD Plate Anchorages.

The silos had to be completed with two different contractors within a very limited timeframe which was quite a challenge but DYWIDAG simultaneously worked on 4 silos, a total of 40 technicians and 4 supervisors was on site, to get the job done.

ProductionSupplyInstallationSupervisionTechnical Support

Ministry of Defense, Egypt

SIAC, Industrial Construction & Engineering Company and Gama for Trading & Contracting S.A.E, both Egypt

Chengdu Design and Research Institute of Building Materials Industry Co., Ltd., China

