Logotipo DYWIDAG

Os produtos inovadores da DYWIDAG são projetados para aprimorar a integridade estrutural, melhorar a eficiência da construção e garantir a durabilidade a longo prazo.

Os nossos serviços

A DYWIDAG oferece serviços abrangentes para melhorar o desempenho e a longevidade dos projetos de infraestrutura em todo o mundo.

Unbonded monostrand tendons used for flat slab post-tensioning

For many years designers and consulting engineers in the US specify the reliable and yet simple and flexible DYWIDAG unbonded monostrand system for flat slabs.


A number of new hotels in Las Vegas were constructed with reliable DYWIDAG products.

The ease of installation onsite is not only an economical solution, but also provides a high level of safety for structures, which are out of the ordinary. In 1999 DYWIDAG supplied a volume of 3,700 tons DYWIDAG unbonded monostrand tendons 0.5" for the flat slab post-tensioning in this region.


Perini Building Company, Las Vegas, USA

Bergmann, Walls & Young-Blood, Ltd.

Martin & Peltyn, Inc., Las Vegas, USA

Harris/Arizona Rebar, Phoenix, USA

