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Nossos produtos

Os produtos inovadores da DYWIDAG são projetados para aprimorar a integridade estrutural, melhorar a eficiência da construção e garantir a durabilidade a longo prazo.

Os nossos serviços

A DYWIDAG oferece serviços abrangentes para melhorar o desempenho e a longevidade dos projetos de infraestrutura em todo o mundo.

The Al Thuraya Tower: New Landmark in Doha’s Skyline

The new Al Thuraya Tower in Doha, Qatar is a building project in West Bay, the city’s commercial center located at the sea. With a total area of 45,000m², the building has 3 basement levels and 42 floors above the surface, offering room for 292 hotel apartments and 375 parking spaces.

Thanks to its special architecture and aesthetics, the Al Thuraya Tower is a new landmark in Doha’s skyline.

The post-tensioning of all flat slabs using the DYWIDAG Flat Anchor System resulted in considerable weight savings and rapid construction progress. The easy assembly on site is not only economical, but also makes possible extraordinary structures with a high security standard.

A total of 203t of 0.5" strand was required for the DYWIDAG Bonded Strand Tendons with Type 3-0.5" and 5-0.5" Flat Anchorages that were installed in the flat slabs of the Al Thuraya Tower.

DesignSupplyInstallationSupervisionTechnical Support

Al Thuraya Real Estate Investment, Qatar

MZ & Partners, Qatar

Al Bandary Engineering, Qatar

