Logotipo DYWIDAG

Os produtos inovadores da DYWIDAG são projetados para aprimorar a integridade estrutural, melhorar a eficiência da construção e garantir a durabilidade a longo prazo.

Os nossos serviços

A DYWIDAG oferece serviços abrangentes para melhorar o desempenho e a longevidade dos projetos de infraestrutura em todo o mundo.

Repair of a Landmark using DYWIDAG Systems: The Church of St. George

In the course of time, freezing water and crystallizing salts caused damage to the load-bearing pillars of the St George church. Furthermore, core fractures have formed inside the church that limit the load-bearing capacity of the building.


The nearly 90m high tower of the Church of St. George was built in the 15th century and is a landmark in the Bavarian town of Noerdlingen. It consists of porous suevite rock which can absorb water and salts.


Due to the salt damages and core fractures, a fundamental repair of the pillars and girder axes is being carried out. One of the pillars in need of repair was temporarily replaced by a temporary steel structure. In order to take the load off the pillar, 4 CFRP Hydraulic Cylinders supplied by DYWIDAG were placed underneath the structure and slightly loaded so that the temporary steel support could accommodate the loads.

To secure the nave during repair work, experienced employees of DYWIDAG installed transverse tendons across the nave. This tensioning system transferred the complete load from the pillars to the rest of the façade. The tensioned strands served to accommodate the loads inside the structure.

A total of 80m of Type 0.6“,St 1560/1770 strand, 3 195/195/35 anchor plates, 2 ME 6/2 anchor bushings, 4 M10x20mm hexagonal screws and 4 two-piece h6N for 140mm², SUSPA-Systems wedges were used for the repair work.

Technical SupportRental of Equipment

Evangelisch - Lutherische Kirchengemeinde Nördlingen, Germany

Matthias Wittner Steinbearbeitung und Restaurierung GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

