Logotipo DYWIDAG

Os produtos inovadores da DYWIDAG são projetados para aprimorar a integridade estrutural, melhorar a eficiência da construção e garantir a durabilidade a longo prazo.

Os nossos serviços

A DYWIDAG oferece serviços abrangentes para melhorar o desempenho e a longevidade dos projetos de infraestrutura em todo o mundo.

Bonded Post-tensioning System Using Threadbars

A cost-effective solution for improved structural performance in straight tendon courses.

DYWIDAG’s bonded post-tensioning system with threadbars is a high-performance solution for improving the structural integrity and load-carrying capacity of concrete structures, and is specifically designed for straight tendons without any profile. There are two types of Threadbar- Hot rolled and Cold Rolled. All bars are with continuous thread end to end of bar and can be cut in any location and coupled. The low-slip anchorage with nuts allows for low losses of prestressing force, even with short bars.

The threadbars used in the system are made from high-strength steel and are bonded to the surrounding concrete using a specialized grout. This creates a strong and durable connection between the threadbars and the concrete, which helps to distribute loads more efficiently and reduce the risk of cracking and other types of damage.

DYWIDAG THREADBARS® exhibit some of the best relaxation rates in North America. In North America, DYWIDAG THREADBARS are hot rolled and available for 1", 1-1/4", 1-3/8" and  1-3/4". Larger sizes 2-1/4", 2-1/2" and 3" are cold rolled. Hot rolled THREADBARS are 60 ft mill length and cold rolled THREADBARS are 45 ft mill length.

  • Threadbars made from high-strength steel for improved structural performance, increased load-carrying capacity, better crack control and reduced reinforcement congestion

  • Very low, proven* relaxation rates

  • Low-slip anchorages with nuts, for low losses of pre-stressing force, even with short bars

  • Threadbars available from 1'' (18mm) to 3'' (75mm)

  • Low relaxation loss, less than 2.5% for hot rolled and less than 5% for cold rolled

  • Both metal sheets or plastic ducts are available to suit all applications

  • Corrosion protection available with cement grout or special grout for applications with harsh environments

  • Coupling possible

* DYWIDAG THREADBARS exhibit some of the best relaxation rates in North America according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Read more here


WR Bars (EU) for lengths greater than 2.5m

  • Continuous hot-rolled thread

  • Coarse thread – robust and appropriate for on-site conditions

  • Available for a large range of diameters

  • Can be divided and coupled in any section

  • Constant Young’s Modulus by factory-controlled elongation of the thread bar steel

  • Continuous quality inspection and control

WS Bars (EU) for lengths less than 2.5m

  • Cold-rolled thread on either side – low anchorage slip

  • Constant Young’s Modulus by factory-controlled elongation of the thread bar steel

  • Continuous quality inspection and control

Main standards for steel nuances

Europe/ Asia/ Latin America: Y1030, Y1050

North America: Grade 150Ksi

Europe/ Asia/ Latin America: ETA-05/0123

North America: Florida DOT, Caltrans approval. All other states and Canada follow FDOT/Caltrans approval. Post-Tensioning Institute System approval in progress

Edifícios comerciais e residenciais
