Unsere Produkte

Die innovativen Produkte von DYWIDAG wurden entwickelt, um die strukturelle Integrität zu verbessern, die Baueffizienz zu erhöhen und eine langfristige Haltbarkeit zu gewährleisten.

Manual Track Monitoring

Our manual track monitoring is performed by our specialist, in-house survey teams, who all hold a minimum of PTS certification.

All of our surveyors are experienced in working to NR/L2/CIV/177 or equivalent standards and frequently liaise directly with Network Rail and track rectification teams.

Our streamlined procedures - built upon decades of experience - allow us to issue a customised report within minutes of the monitoring activities on site.

We will work with you to ensure your needs are met and provide the utmost confidence in your data.

  • 3D monitoring: Provides accurate positional information with respect to known bench marks.

  • Customised reporting

United Kingdom: Network Rail compliant

